Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful for a classmate

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for all of my classmates and teachers. To be specific, I'll start with Tikal. I am thankful for Tikal for being so nice, and everytime I come in to class she always has a smile and says good morning. She also reminds me of the Spanish homework that I may or may not have forgotten about. I'm thankful for Alex, because ball is life whether she is willing to accept that or not. I am thankful for Juan and his sneezes, because they remind me that it am very much alive. I a thankful for starving Artist aka Alexis, because she helps me with chemistry and is also fun to talk with during lunch and division. Im thankful for Jefri because shes so fun to party with and she even made me her #wcw even though I looked super gross in the picture! I am thankful for Isabella because she's so sweet and her outfits are really cute. Lastly I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy for caring about his job and giving meaning to it. I'm so grateful for all of my teacher that I have this year at Whitney Young. Each and every teacher that I've had this year is a blessing , because I can tell theta they all care about what they do and it makes me as a student want to do better. I realize that a lot of students take great teachers for granted, so I'd especially like to thank them right now for coming to class everyday and providing great lesson plans and making learning interesting.

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