Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor: the adulterer, the man who plows on Sundays, the man who only attends church once a month. He is known for many things, and his presence in The Crucible is anything but silent. In the Crucible, John Proctor is definitely not shy about trying to show what is right. Sure he is a man of many faults, but then again who isn’t? In a time of desperation in Salem, where everyone else is too afraid to speak up for the truth and justice John Proctor does not hesitate.  John Proctor is truly a hero. Hundreds had died before John Proctor and hundreds had lived. Those who lived only gained the extra years to heir lives by stealing them from friends and possibly even family by framing them to have been with the devil. John Proctor did come close, which is admirable. He could have kept his life, but his honor meant more to him than his life. John Proctor died in attempt of keeping those that were still alive, alive. He refused to give in to the ignorance of the men accusing him. John Proctors actions speak many things of him and prove that he was a good man.


  1. Although my opinion of John Proctor leans more on the side that he's a stooge, I can completely see your views on why your stand on the discussion is that he is a hero. You provide good evidence to support your thoughts.

  2. I loved the way you captured John Proctor in a very well manner! I agree on him being a hero, you did a very great job at explaining the fact that throughout everything he stood put with the truth . I loved your post , the beginning was dramatic which was great. A job well done Isabel!

  3. I very much agree with you on John being a hero. Your persuasive writing is very impressive and you have lots of evidence. Nice job
