Thursday, December 11, 2014

Janie Crawford Killicks Starks Woods

Janie Crawford Killicks Starks Woods is constantly being defined by other people. As a child she is not liked because others thought that she felt as if she were better than everyone else, based on her home life and physical appearance. She is light skinned with great hair, making her stand out. Nanny had always wanted her to stand out as well, she thought it was a good thing that people thought she was superior.

The second very significant person in Janies life is her husband Logan Killicks. Logan defines her as a spoiled young girl and constantly compares her to his previous wife, who was much better and willing to do farmwork. Upon searching for a definition of Killick, I found that a killick was a heavy stone used as an anchor for craft, such as small ships. I then compared Janie to this small ship, because her and Logans marriage was the first thing that held her down. She did not want this marriage, she aimed for a romance as beautiful as nature itself but instead must settle into this mans house as a wife for Nanny. Logan Killicks was Janies very first Anchor.

The third very significant person in Janies life was Joe (Jody) Starks, her second husband. Joe defines Janie as his trophy wife, never letting her do anything but look proper and pretty like an expensive collectors item that would be kept on a shelf. Again, I defined the work Stark. Definitions included physically strong or powerful, incapable of movement, unpleasantly sharp or clear. Joe Starks I believe, was all of these things. The big man of the town and the very controlling husband to Janie. She is constantly speaks of Joe as a man who makes a lot of changes in everyone else but cannot change himself. Many others in town saw this quality in Joe Starks as well, but but the fact that he had done so much positive things in the town they never spoke up to him personally.

Lastly (that I am aware of) there is Vergible Tea Cake Woods. The character who inspired my research on names. Tea Cake Woods is so far the last husband of Janies, who defines her an an equal person and respects her as a woman. She finds everything she was searching for in her past husbands in Vergible Woods, just as she did in nature with the trees, which I connected to his last name Woods.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful for a classmate

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for all of my classmates and teachers. To be specific, I'll start with Tikal. I am thankful for Tikal for being so nice, and everytime I come in to class she always has a smile and says good morning. She also reminds me of the Spanish homework that I may or may not have forgotten about. I'm thankful for Alex, because ball is life whether she is willing to accept that or not. I am thankful for Juan and his sneezes, because they remind me that it am very much alive. I a thankful for starving Artist aka Alexis, because she helps me with chemistry and is also fun to talk with during lunch and division. Im thankful for Jefri because shes so fun to party with and she even made me her #wcw even though I looked super gross in the picture! I am thankful for Isabella because she's so sweet and her outfits are really cute. Lastly I am thankful for Mr. McCarthy for caring about his job and giving meaning to it. I'm so grateful for all of my teacher that I have this year at Whitney Young. Each and every teacher that I've had this year is a blessing , because I can tell theta they all care about what they do and it makes me as a student want to do better. I realize that a lot of students take great teachers for granted, so I'd especially like to thank them right now for coming to class everyday and providing great lesson plans and making learning interesting.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Principle not Principal

A principle we should keep.
Apocalyptic situations are ever present in media nowadays, with it being a possibility within a couple hundred years. Zombies, cannibalism, chaos, and the struggle for survival leave many of us questioning our actions in situations like these. A big debate, would we really stick to the principles that define our character and personalities today? Have we stuck to the same principles that we lived by 10 years ago? Personally my answer would be no. When I was six i promised to never stop believing in magic like all of the adults I saw in the Disney movies. I would never lie, I would never lie, I would never cheat, and the yuckiest of all, I would never be friends with a boy, they had cooties...Yuck! So what makes 10 years into the future any different? Perhaps saying that you will always stick to your current principles is already breaking a very common principle, to never lie.

Personally, I try to avoid speaking for my future self. I'd say it is pretty unpredictable, and there's no telling if Ill be the same person in the next 10 years. We don't know what experiences await us, and its even less likely that it will be an apocalyptic situation. Many people say they would never kill a person, but what if someone was attacking you or your family? They would never steal, but have they ever gone a week without food and left in someone else's kitchen? Basic principles would be lost in  an apocalyptic world. The ones that keep our society in place today would not keep without society, because they both depend on each other. In The Road for example, self identity can be considered a principle. The father still grooms himself and the boy to stay clean. To remain as a civil human being. On the other hand, we see cannibals, who probably converted to cannibals after the apocalypse. If this is true, then it is unlikely that they kept the same principles pre-apocalypse. Therefore principles are temporary. Principals are also temporary, with or without apocalyptic situations.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The Early life of Earnest Hemingway
Earnest Miller Hemingway was an author, father, son, brother, unfaithfully devoted husband and much more. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois on July 21, 1899. Since the time he was born, Hemingway was dressed as a girl by his mother. This however, was not uncommon as many Victorian children were dressed in gowns. His parents were Grace and Ed Hemingway. Ed was an avid outdoorsman, which is seen as the reason Earnest turned out to the the same, by influence of his father. Growung up his father would take him on fishing trips which he loved because he was able to dress like a boy and be manly with his father. In school he was not so great at sports and would exaggerate many aspects of his 'athletic career'. Hemingway really showed his talent when he wrote in the school newspaper and is considered his first start in publishing his writing. In 1917 he was rejected from the army because of his poor vision, so he volunteered for the red cross. his published writing "A farewell to Arms" is based off of his experiences in the war. When he was volunteering for the red cross, Hemingway became bored and wanted to be more involved in the war. When he finally managed to become involved, he got injured after his 6th day on the front. by this time he was 19 and this is when he met his first love Agnes, who was 27 at the time. They had a romantic relationship until he had to return to America and she broke it off with him by writing him a letter. This was only the beggining of his romantic tales and successful writings.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 words

The carnival tunes were rusting metals.

Bare handed and mute, not alone.

Shattered empty picture frames and ghosts.

"Welcome to Malus Point. population: 1"

Water seeped from beneath the doorway.

"Dinner for 31, anyone is welcome"

Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor: the adulterer, the man who plows on Sundays, the man who only attends church once a month. He is known for many things, and his presence in The Crucible is anything but silent. In the Crucible, John Proctor is definitely not shy about trying to show what is right. Sure he is a man of many faults, but then again who isn’t? In a time of desperation in Salem, where everyone else is too afraid to speak up for the truth and justice John Proctor does not hesitate.  John Proctor is truly a hero. Hundreds had died before John Proctor and hundreds had lived. Those who lived only gained the extra years to heir lives by stealing them from friends and possibly even family by framing them to have been with the devil. John Proctor did come close, which is admirable. He could have kept his life, but his honor meant more to him than his life. John Proctor died in attempt of keeping those that were still alive, alive. He refused to give in to the ignorance of the men accusing him. John Proctors actions speak many things of him and prove that he was a good man.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There goes the neighborhood

Slowly, steadily, I raise my spear.  Treading lightly, I continue to move forward careful to avoid any branch. I am the predator, stalking after my prey. This is it, my chance. Taking a few more steps, I slowly close in on the animal. It is brown coat glistens slightly in whatever sunlight pushes past the trees thick and leafy branches. Slowly, the animal proceeds with caution, and she lowers her nose to the forest floor, checking for any signs of a threat. I watch from a distance, carefully aiming my spear to puncture the animal. We have been blessed, for the animal sighting have been such a rarity. Ducks and beavers can feed a family for so long, for even the simplest of the animals know when a path is no good. The animal is waiting, ready. I aim my spear to just slightly pierce the heart, enough to kill it instantly. Heavy footsteps come barreling through the forest, behind me. I hear shouting, a panic.  In attempt to still catch the deer, I thrust my spear forward, but she is long gone.

“Avonaco!  Come quick!” I hear my brother Azeban calling from a distance. Shifting my gaze from the forest floor to my brother is no easy distinction. Muddy legs with twigs and leaves decorating his torso, and a look of panic on his face. “They have arrived brother,” he tells me hurriedly as he grabs me, pulling guiding me towards the open waters “The Gods, they come in floating boats like ours, yet they defy the great waters with size, and they wear skin like shine of the moon, hard as the rocks that sustain the mountains!”  What I see before me is all but true. Azeban, my brother who is named after a trickster animal and is equally known for deception and fraudulence's, has no mischief in his tales this time.  Our tribal leader welcomes these supposed Gods, the entire tribe flocks to the open waters in attempt to guide them to our land, or homes, our families…

Azeban tears through the shrubberies and I run after him. He is young, and unwise.  Upon reaching the shore, he dives into the water, graceful as a cripple bear. “Azeban” I call to him, warning him of the no good path. Like the brute he is, he begins to scale the side of the ship. I know of my dear brothers intentions, but I can see that they do not.  A chorus of fearful shouting erupts on the boat; Azeban has made his way toward the gods servants I assume. Horrified I look as the servants begin to dear weapons to my dear brother, he as well as I is afraid for his life. Diving out into the water, I hope to liberate Azeban from another reckless predicament he has himself in. Grasping for the side of the boat, I begin climb for fear of my brother’s life. Over the edge of the ship, I see the deck.  Rather than a god, I see a man. A man like no other who wears skin like the sun draws his sword, and slays my brother. These are no gods. They are murderers. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


My name is Isabel Cristina Bravo. Something interesting to know about my name is that my middle name as chosen based off of a spanish talk show host that my mother was watching when she was in the hospital with me. I was also very close to being named Pearl, no thanks to my older sister who at the time was 3. Needless to say I am very glad that my parents did not take advice from a 3 year old. 
I was born in Chicago IL, more specifically a small hospital which I beleive was called "Ravenswood hospital" at 4:35 am. I am half Mexican and half puertorican and Spanish is my second language. As mentioned previously, I do have an older sister who is 19 (I think) and goes to UIC. I went to a dual language school called Inter American Magnet School grades k-8. It was a bit challenging due to the fact that every quarter our lesson plans would get flipped to/from English to/from Spanish. Although I wasnt much of a fan of the constant language switch, the program was a huge stepping stone to my being able to speak more fluent spanish than the majority of my cousins and has also led me to taking my current spanish class here at Whitney. As a sixth grader, I applied to Whitney Young for the 7th and 8th grade program but did not get in, but I am here presently as a sophmore. I thnk this school is great and English is one of my preffered subjects.